- DsG Consultants is an independent consulting firm created on July 2011 in Southern France by 2 senior consultants, Sylvie Doutres and Sophie Robert.
- With over 25 years expertise in port and maritime advisory and a strong specialization on dry bulk commodities logistics & maritime supply chain solutions, they have operated within EU, Africa, East Med, Black Sea countries offering skills in logistics, marketing, public relations, intelligence and statistics analysis, combined with an extensive contact network in all Euro-Med port & logistics communities.
DSG Consultants provides tailor-made services and assists public and private entities in their international development or their port & logistics projects.
- Our targeted missions are
- Market & logistics studies (supply/demand balance, targeted market study, competition analysis, Swot analysis, logistics bottlenecks assessment, actions plan…)
- Trade flows analysis & forecast (historical port traffic analysis, maritime flows monitoring, creation & update of customized databases, prospective traffic forecast…)
- Port costs & performances benchmarking
- Port / terminal project management support (sites rating, tenders assistance, economical feasability study, equity/ logistics & commercial partner selection, due diligence, project follow-up, bulk handling & storage technologies state-of-the-art or prescription…)
- Business Intelligence applied to port, maritime & dry bulk sectors (news digest, strategy oriented port/company analysis, decision-makers mapping, benchmarking, targeted alerts, field mission, business opportunity detection…)
- Training about port intelligence (port gouvernance & operations organization, key decision-makers, PPP, dry bulk logistics chain optimization…)
- To complete these services, DSG Consultants proposes different information products, made on request or multi-clients
- Port profiles, Statistical reports, Strategical maps (market, players, flows)
- Legal information about DSG Consultants
- Limited Company (SARL) with 10.000 € equity capital
- HQ : Les Bureaux du Parc – Bat C – Allée de Barcelone – 66350 Toulouges (France)
- RCS Perpignan (France) / SIRET : 533 269 809 00018 / APE 7022C