Consulting firm
Strategy and Port Development

DSG Consultant supports you in all your projects related to Port development Services



DSG Consultants advices and guides entities involved
in port and dry bulk business at each step of their development.

Market and economic feasibility studies, port intelligence, benchmarking, statistics analysis,
business opportunities qualification, training…


DSG Consultants has developed over the years
a good knowledge of main Euro-Mediterranean ports
where it mainly performed on behalf of its clients.

Industrial & trading companies, port authorities & operators, equipment suppliers, engineering companies…appeal to its expertise in port logistics.


DSG Consultants provides its clients with an extended relationship network and an updated data center about ports, dry bulk trade flows, terminals.

DsG consultants maintains close partnership with other international or independent consulting and engineering offices to complete its expertise and propose tailor-made services.

Our added valuesExperience and resources

Human and technical resources

For these years they have developped a diversified relational network over about 20 countries, particularly in Southern Europe, around Mediterranean basin, the Black Sea and in French-Speaking African countries

A customer-oriented SME
DSG is a small company composed of 2 expert consultants directly involved with customers, which enables an optimal reactivity in demands processing. Given that the administrative tasks have been outsourced, the consultants can focus on their core businesses.
An international expertise
Beyond its port competency, aknowledged in France, DSG and its consultants have acquired an expertise in animating a network of professionals and the realization of mission overseas.
Specialized in dry bulk and commercial ports
Over the last 20 years, S.Doutres and S.Robert (DSG) have acquired an expertise of industries, port logistics and maritime transport of dry powdered bulk commodities. DSG is also able to perform field and actors analysis in the liquid bulk. DSG exclusively intervenes in commercial ports, whether maritime of fluvial
A network of partners
DSG Consultants is a serious partner for national or international cabinets, whether generalists or in engineering, to whom it brings its expertise of French and Med ports, dry bulk commodities or French-speaking territories.

DSG CONSULTANTSDSG Consultants management

Sylvie Doutres and Sophie Robert
respectively benefit from 25 and 20 years of experience as senior consultants in port sector within several consulting offices.

Sylvie DOUTRESPort development & strategy expert

Associate and co-managing director of DsG Consultants, she previously managed RDM Consultants during 10 years.
Port Senior consultant since 1992, she mainly took actions in Southern Europe and Mediterranean countries.
International business development & sales and IT are her key functions in DSG management team.

Sophie ROBERTDry bulk logistics expert

Associée et cogérante de DsG Consultants, elle a été pendant 16 ans, consultante sénior dans le domaine portuaire (maritime et fluvial), chargée de clientèle et responsable France, chez RDM Consultants.
Spécialisée dans les filières vrac secs : matériaux construction et agro-alimentaires.

Consulting in International Development and Port Strategy

In addition to these consulting activities, DSG Consultants is developing a range of port information products
Panorama of a commercial port or a port actor
Synthetic cards (market, actor, flow)
Private and secure access to our internal database

CONTACT USsend us a message

DsG remains attentive to the needs of companies interested in maritime or inland waterway transport.

    Sylvie DOUTRES
    Tel : +33 (0)6 12 06 92 51
    Sophie ROBERT
    Tel : +33 (0)6 11 55 65 19
    Find Us ?
    Les Bureaux du Parc à Toulouges (66350)

    The DSG Consultants Blog: a space for information and discussion ...

    In particular, you will find practical information on the ports (port files to download), links, continuous information, photos, etc.

    The DSG Consultants Blog: a space for information, data and discussion...

    In particular, you will find practical information on the ports (port files to download), links, continuous information, photos, etc.
    DSG Consultants
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